Full Service Management for Condominium and Homeowner Association
On Line Association Services
- Real Estate Investment Services (REIS) offers 24/7 On line Web Service. This is a valuable communication and productivity tool for Boards, Committees, and Homeowners.
- Our 24/7 On line Web Service helps to instantly, efficiently, and economically:
- Distribute Association information and documents
- Target and send group emails and mailings
- Collect resident information and requests
- Collect assessment payments and fees
- Support resident self-service and access to information
When your association becomes a client of Real Estate Investment Services (REIS) we will perform an immediate evaluation of your community from a variety of different angles. Below are just some of the reviews and evaluations we perform within the first 30 days of being hired:
Administrative Services
- Mail welcome letter to all homeowners which announces the change in management and provides pertinent details on our company and new contact information
- Information for automated payment of assessments
- Perform change of address for all vendors
- Review the CC&Rs Rules and Regulations and any other Policies of the Association. Suggestions for improvement will be made based on best demonstrated practices at similar communities
- Create a database for the community
- Complete review of Association records transferred. We inventory all records before sending to storage
Financial/Accounting Services
- Do a Budget Comparison
- Review of most recent financial statement prepared by previous management company
- Evaluation of current cash position of Association
- Evaluation of delinquent Owners, creation of a plan to collect
- Thorough review of all contracts and important vendors to assure competitive pricing and that all contract terms are being met.
Property Services
- Conduct a thorough site inspection to become familiar with the community and to get an idea of immediate maintenance needs and violation issues
- Evaluation of the current condition of the landscaping and other Association maintained common property in the community
- Review of Reserve Study to identify upcoming projects for the next 12 months
- Obtain competitive bids for any services that the Board is not currently happy with
Escrow and Disclosure Services
- Real Estate Investment Services (REIS) maintains all Association governing documents, historical minutes and financials specific to escrow processing to meet the needs of your Association in a professional and timely fashion
- When contacted by a potential buyer or their agent who is looking at a home in your community we will provide them with CC&R’s, Rules and Regulations, and Policies in place for the community
- For Homeowners selling a home, Real Estate Investment Services ( REIS) will communicate directly with Homeowners, Escrow companies, and other parties involved in the sale process, providing the additional benefit of having someone available that is knowledgeable about the process and able to provide quick and accurate responses during this crucial time